Monday, March 8, 2010

Another cold day, where Jack Frost has an opportunity to have a wee nip.
A wee while longer I think till we can afford to dress for warmer weather. But I do like crisp dry days like we have. we can look for snow drops in the verges and the first green leaves unfurling as the trees turn from their winter garb.
Soon the sun will be heating our backs and the skies will be blue, and enjoy the changing season.
Unfortunately I am just about to go into hospital to have a wee operation, mending my clavicle. this will put my right arm out of commission for about a month, but I do hope the outcome will be worth while.
So having just said I am back, I will be absent for 3 days and then do a left one finger type.
Till we meet up again, enjoy this weather, wrap up warm and stay busy.

Look Right

Hi everybody
I'm back at last and hope to make time to blog every day from now on.
Look at my Just Giving item on the right . I am really excited that we are last able to make plans for what will be a great day on the 28th August .
I used to love hillwalking and it is something that I have not been able to do so much since my accident. So a team of us are getting together to climb Ben Hope, which is the most northerly Munro and a real challenge for me.
Lets see lots of encouragement from all you out there and I will keep you updated on any developments

Monday, February 15, 2010

No excuses

No leg to stand on!!!
Ive just gotten out of the habit of my routine blogging.
I really do miss it and am shocked when I see how long it is, since I was last here.
How can this be? I ask myself ?
But just getting on the computer is harder these days and I can tell by the backlog of my unopened E-mails.
Lets hope things settle down and I can get back to normality.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe it been since the 18th Jan' that I last got round to blogging. It seems no time at all when we were all building up to Christmas and New Year. Well that's all over, and life just take on the usual flurry of a full busy week , lots to do, meetings to chair and attend. I quite often take minutes of meetings , but, see if I don't take time to type them up as soon as possible straight after I've taken them! .My scrawl and scribbles can be just baffling. I sit and look at them thinking. What does that mean....? what were we talking about then....?
It's a salutary lesson. I keep falling into the same trap. I go home with the best of intentions. I'm just going to have my tea and sit and relax for 10 minutes.... wow... before you know it it's nine o'clock 'Tempus Fugit'

Monday, January 18, 2010


The Bangles wrote a song which went 'I hate Monday's'
But you see I don't, cos I can't wait for the start of the week.
What will it hold? A fresh start a new beginning.
I do admit than when I worked I may not have had such a chirpy attitude, but things change.
Ideas pop into my head over the weekend and I write wee notes to myself.
Then things begin to take shape in my thoughts...
and... I am really keen to talk to others... share my thoughts and move things on.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I have got this idea of making a montage or collage or a collection of photo's of family friends and folk I work with.
I have bought the frame. It a bit bigger than A3, ... I have made copies of some photo's, as my idea may mean some cutting out.
So snip, stick and clip, soon it will be on my wall

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Day In The Life Of.....

Life can get really busy.
Sometimes you have to make choices and then decide to slow down.
This week saw the start of a new member of staff at Headway. We al;so got new furniture to accommodate more folk Tardis like, more folk in the same space. Looks fab'
Been to a meeting for Transport Glasgow, roads development, we at GAP were invited to comment on any issues regarding disabled access.
It was the blue shiny glass building I have passed many times on Cadongan Street.